論文 代寫-研究結果

本文主要內容是研究結果,根據Manjunatha和Manohar(2015)的研究,外部獎勵已經開始獲得更多的偏好,這是本研究的主要發現之一(Cerasoli et al., 2014)。從這項研究中可以明顯看出,大多數行業內的員工並不是很滿意,因為他們被錯誤的技術所激勵。 Manjunatha和Manohar(2015)等研究人員已經證實了這一點。本篇論文 代寫文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Extrinsic rewards according to Manjunatha and Manohar (2015), has started to gain more preference and this was one of the major findings in this study (Cerasoli et al., 2014). From this study, it has been obvious that mostly employees within industries are not that much satisfied because they are motivated using the wrong techniques. This has been confirmed by researchers such as Manjunatha and Manohar (2015).
It has been recommended from the findings of this research that the movement of a firm away from the present system of merit based pay and rewarding will have to restructure its rewarding techniques (Lepper and Greene, 2015). The restructure has to be into an organization which promotes extrinsic ways of motivation as well because ultimately this form only results in offering higher productivity level according to researchers such as Olafsen et al. (2015).
Gerhart and Fang, (2014), have also engaged in studying motivation as well as productivity perception among institutions for higher education (Manjunatha and Manohar, 2015). The answers to the research depicted a positive relationship between productivity and motivation at the particular company investigated to indicate an enhancement or decrement within productivity. The role of motivation furthermore was examined by Olafsen et al. (2015), wherein the motivation role was examined to enhance commitment for job in industries of Nigeria. It was found that in such organizations, preference has to be towards the mere pathway for selection and offering. This will allow in better management of motivation as well as commitment. The influences of individual conflict over motivation have also been researched and it has been found that there lies a significant negative relationship (Olafsen et al., 2015). If one is in conflict with themselves, then definitely they will not be able to have the ability to suffice to their job as they will not be motivated at all. This literature review finding and brief apprehension over the same has allowed in knowing that the key themes explored are found most prominently in the literature review as well. This offers support to these research findings.
Overall, there is one limitation of this study. The study has been conducted only over one employee and therefore the results cannot be generalized over a broader population.
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