論文代寫-Sports Direct品牌競爭戰略

  論文代寫-Sports Direct品牌競爭戰略。Sports Direct的一個特別的競爭對手是JD Sports,它試圖持續發展品牌知名度,並利用Sports Direct面臨的醜聞。該競爭對手擁有強大的數字營銷戰略團隊,能夠快速響應市場變化,動態分配庫存。從JD Sports網站可以看出,電子商務與eBay的整合、營銷、訂單管理、商品推廣、促銷等方面有著很強的聯系(Field, 2016)。安全策略相當透明,數字營銷的點擊率更高。接下來論文范文論文代寫-Sports Direct品牌競爭戰略分享給留學生閱讀。

  One particular competitor of Sports Direct that has tried to consistently
develop the brand awareness and take advantage of the scandal faced by Sports
Direct is JD Sports. This competitor has a very strong digital marketing
strategic team that can quickly respond to the market changes and allocate
stocks in dynamic manner. From the website of JD Sports, it is observed that the
e-commerce is strongly connected with other aspects such as integration to eBay,
marketing, order management, merchandising and promotions (Field, 2016). The
security policies are rather transparent that the digital marketing achieves a
higher hit rate.

  Reason for success

  There are 3 important reasons that contributed to success of JD Sports that
were missed in Sports Direct. These are as follows:

  - The website of JD Sports is customer friendly and directs the customers
to the right target at an ease. It is thoroughly optimized and the content and
design are entirely structured to engage the end users (JD Sports, 2017).

  - There is a better integration between PR, SEO, content, search engine
marketing and advertisements that kept the customers totally aware of the
happenings of JD Sports.

  - The digital marketing strategy is well defined and targeted to invite the
users to purchase and exhibit customer loyalty (Tucker, 2014). There is a high
conversion rate with respect to digital marketing strategy of JD Sports.

  有關論文范文論文代寫-Sports Direct品牌競爭戰略就為留學生分享到這裏。如果留學生有需要論文代寫輔導的地方,詳情可以英國論文代寫Essay Times網站平台,此論文代寫平台是英國信譽高的留學教育機構,論文寫作專業信譽高,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,為留學生們提供essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,英國論文代寫Essay Times豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!