
論文代寫-死亡的形式和潛在意義的概念分析。這篇文章清楚地闡明了死亡的形式和它的潛在意義,用幾張照片作為例子來支持文章的論點。從分析中可以明顯看出,弗洛伊德的死亡驅動力與照片中對死亡的描述有著密切的關系(Weatherill 1999)。這篇文章的觀點是,死亡在攝影史上以不同的形式存在,但是隨著不同的時代和不同的地方,死亡的概念是動態的。有些人更容易接受這樣的攝影,就像他們接受弗洛伊德的死亡驅動理論一樣,而另一些人則拒絕接受。

Apart from the aesthetic merit, specific interest is possessed by “fading away” due to the criticism that is received from the home nation (Sanchez-Pardo 2003). There are no records present of its U.S based reception. It was known however that this photograph had been managed on stage but there were several objections made as it was perceived as an intrusive way in a private family scene. For comprehending this, it should be acknowledged that photographs in the post-modern era implied to be seen in the family confines. Rendering the scene of deathbed, within art not considering it from the perspective of photography, were highly accepted as they had depicted situation pathos as an experience universally. When these were represented within a photograph, the same scene, however and the similar pathos was perceived as particular to the depicted family. Therefore, the response gained by Fading Away even after the fact that the family consists of hired actors was negative. The perceived requirement of doing this however resulted in creating formulas through which such scenes could be shown and which were hardly varied in minute detail (Iverson 2007). This can be demonstrated easily through lithographic comparison that depicted American president’s death. Every scene essentially is similar in nature. The man dying in the last moments and the room surrounded by several Cabinet people were characteristic of such photos.
During the first few years of post-modern photography, the photographs of dead people started emerging more and more frequently with photographs showing people with eyes close or highly hazy to make it apparent that the person has faded way.
A way of mourning photographed as portraiture was evidently famous in 19th century U.S wherein the subject deceased was usually a kid and was shown as living. A rose held in downward way or through a stem broken indicated a cut short life as does the morning glories presence in photographs. These morning glories depicted flowers which bloomed but died sooner as characteristic to the plant (Virilio 2000). A calm water boat further symbolized a death that happened in an easy way and stormy waters depicted a difficult situation. A watch in photographs often depicted death time and this was featured prominently. Tombstones or weeping willows were more general indicators that were as well used.
Most of these symbols, even though did not appear in photographs of post-modern times but still the dead body was itself an indicator of mortality that could not be avoided especially in children’s photos.

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