19 2 月, 2018



考虑到ACSF准则,到目前为止的绩效水平表明他们可以独立工作,并且不需要随时提供支持(Mclean et al。,2012)。但是,上下文和词汇是有限的。他们更喜欢熟悉熟悉的步骤,包括识别,解释和排序。在选择的情况下,Cara已经使用标准操作程序来对窗帘进行测量,定制,拼接并交付给客户。数学技能对于这个工作场所来说非常重要,因为它围绕着测量进行,并且很难通过正确使用约定来确保客户的准确性和需求。 Cara以厘米为单位进行了测量,但无法用英文对其进行正确的解释。她利用图片(她立即绘制)来展示设计和输出。



Taking the ACSF guidelines into consideration, the performance level so far indicates that they can work independently and do not require a support at all times (Mclean et al., 2012). However, the contexts and vocabulary are limited. They prefer to work on familiar steps that include identification, interpretation and sequencing. In the chosen situation, Cara has made use of standard operating procedures to take measurements of curtain, customize, stitch and deliver to the customers. Numeracy skill is extremely important to this workplace as it revolves around measurement and it is highly difficult to ensure accuracy and need of the customers with correct usage of conventions. Cara has measured in centimetres, but was not able to interpret it rightly in English. She has made use of pictures (that she drew instantly) to show the design and output.

ACSF has listed several numeracy indicators categorized based on level. Applying the framework to the identified case, it is clear that mathematical information forms the foundation for their jobs as it is all about measurements. The level 4 is highly appropriate as Cara was found to note down the mathematical information in the form of designs and then communicate to the concerned resource (Mclean et al., 2012). In turn, this communication gets transformed into the final product. They have the capacity to calculate and list them out, but not in numbers. Consequently, they make maximum usage of shapes with suitable markings to display the metric measurement. These are then used for oral directions. When asked about pole, waved look, width, she has tried to portray in the form of figures. The problem solving happens through a sketch. There are 2 tools used by her to confirm the measurement and these include tape measure and laser distance measure machine.

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