27 7 月, 2019



There is a sharp distinction between deskwork and fieldwork in research even though both of them are closely knit on certain aspects. Some researches may require a fair proportion of both the methods (Pages.uoregon.edu, 2015). The secondary data originates from the internet which has a plethora of articles, documents and journals on the topic.
Along with the primary and secondary methods of data collection a certain amount of observational techniques and perception may also be used. This stands as a supplementary source of data for the research wherein the researcher directly collects data and information as against other cases where the researcher has to rely upon the information given by the respondent. Observation needs to be coupled with a certain amount of perception as well, but personal bias, factors and opinions should affect the reliability of the data.
With regard to primary research, the most appropriate method for data collection is the interview and survey method that utilises a questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised of 11 questions and was administered amongst 40 respondents who belonged to various age groups and were of different origin. The questions extracted their basic personal information like age and nationality and then ones pertaining to the research topic. The respondents were asked their preference of learning methods for learning a new language (Futureofworking.com, 2015). The survey pertained to only those people who accepted mobile technologies and the primary focus was on them since not much information could have been elicited from the other group of people.
Mobile technology has slowly begun to replace the conventional forms of learning languages and other skills and subjects (Fahsing and Ask, 2013). However, the acceptance of this amongst the group of respondents and the reasons why they think one is more effective than the other was asked. This question was presented with the intention to understand the trends prevailing amongst the youngsters as they are prime drivers of this technology in the forthcoming years. From this question, the researcher shall be able to understand the impact that this learning method has created on the youth and the trends and developments that shall occur in the future time to come. Further questions to know their level of comfort and acquaintance with mobile technologies and the patterns of mobile usage were presented.
Four interviews were additionally conducted at the Summer row 5 F coffee studio and each interaction consisted of four questions. These questions were quite similar to the ones asked through the questionnaire with the only exception that in the interviews the responses expected were more descriptive and subjective. This created a scope for greater range of discussion and conversation.
Primary Analysis of Data
40 individuals were asked to respond to the questionnaire. The average age of the respondents was 21 and they belonged to countries like China, Japan, US, Germany and Korea to name a few. Of these the number of people who chose mobile technology as their preference was 30, which is 75% of the sample size. The remaining 25% of the responses, that is 10 in number, are to be ignored since they chose traditional learning methods. Hence for the purpose of analysis, the sample size shall be taken as only 30.All the four interviewees were positive that they were interested in using mobile technologies to learn a new language.

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