

The key notion is that do this in the absence of doubt that ends up making them powerful. This results in the creation of relationship of power between the ones having power and the ones who do not have the power. Necessarily, nothing seems to be unfair related to this relationship and in terms of theory, the grand narrative can be identified as beneficial for each and every group across the society. However, it is quiet unfortunate to state that power holds the tendency of corrupting and absolute power ends up corrupting absolutely. The ones having this power hold the tendency of freezing the grand narrative being a state of asymmetry so that it is beneficial to the detriment of the others. As stated by Foucault (1988), this disequilibrium appears to be apparent for the ones who were victimized within the relationship, but there seem to be no toleration. This will end up going on for a specific period of time though, and people tend to resist the overall system that is unfair according to them. If power is used by the powerful ones in a manner that is extremely advantageous to them, and cause harm to the other, eventually one manages to reach a tipping power when the overall situation turns out to be intolerably and there is casting aside of the grand narrative related to a society.

This is the same scenario that ended up taking place in the terrorist attacks of Paris. The purpose of this essay is not for speculating the moral wrongs and rights related to the situation, or for justifying the actions taken up by the terrorist. However, the overall discussion has key subjectivity to power while not suggesting a deeper cause related to the events or selfishly materialized culture of youth, though it appears that these factors had been playing a significant role. However, there still seems to be unlikely for being coincidental that the powerless and poor resisted the narrative grand at some point of time, when the powerful and rich government is to take away the advantages that are utilized with more comfort. On the other hand, the super- rich authorities are known to have key responsibility for the difficulties of economy, being considered as untouched.

The briefly analysed power with respect to the terrorist attacks provides a better understanding about the way, in which systems of power bring in eventual reaction and imbalance. It is still important for discussing the flows in power of channels for functioning as per the key description. For this purpose, there is a crucial need for understanding spectacle as the second factor.

What we have not yet discussed is the channels power flows through in order to function as we have described. For this, we need to understand the second factor, spectacle.

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