




The practical application of leadership theories has been analysed for US Naval vessel. It has been observed that theories that have found application are contingency theory, lead member exchange theory and path goal theory. The contingency theory given by Fiedler is employed by Tactical Action Officer (TAO) as decisions taken require decisiveness, discipline and moral character. These decisions have to be made quickly. The commanding officers having these traits can be effective in role of TAO. The base of the leader member exchange theory is the relation between leader and follower. The chief petty officer in the US navy exhibits this leadership trait.

The roles and responsibilities of chief petty officer go beyond the role of other officers. Successful employment of the leadership member theory leads to organizational success by giving opportunities and responsibilities to the group members (Dudovskiy , 2014). Lastly, the path goal theory is employed by the commanding officer in relation with the junior officers. The successful implementation of the path goal theory will lead to matching of the individual needs of the junior officer to the needs of the vessel. The commanding officer will also make adjustment to his leadership style in order to match the tasks of the junior officers.