5 2 月, 2018






Culinary tourism can be considered as a social activity affecting both the cultural and the social levels of community (Harrington & Ottenbacher, 2010). Since recent times, chefs have started to spend more time to learn about food from the communities of farming or agriculture. This learning is often referred to as Field to Table or Field to Fork activities. There is a yearly event for meeting food producers in the creation of strong bridge among the producer or the grower and the chef. Even though these relationships appear to be beneficial and obvious, they cannot be made easily across both rural and urban settings. Issues having seasonality, pricing integrity, quality control and consistent supply tend to be presenting specific challenges for the two parties. The ones demonstrating the strength of community based partnerships end up affecting the success achieved by tourism places (Alant & Bruwer, 2014).

Finally, the establishment of value based on culinary tourism from the perspective of environment holds the requirement of an integrated approach in the entire chain of supply. Effects to the environment is inclusive of strains across land utilization, transportation infrastructure, waste and water systems (Mason & Paggiaro, 2012). These is a crucial need about the significance of eating food items produced locally turning out to be a significant movement. The metaphoric concept of food miles has started to establish better understanding. A food mile is the travelling of distance by food from where it has been raised or growing until it is finally purchased by the end- user or the customer. Food miles are crucial for the provision of relative indicator at the cost of fuel or energy used for the transportation of food to store from farm with low food miles to signal low cost and usage of fuel in transportation.

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