29 12 月, 2020



提供的解决方案更为基本;他们是对所列举的问题的立即反应。解决方案必须是适应性强的,需要切实执行。所提出的解决方案简单、适用于不久的将来,因此可以开始减少或规避预期的影响所造成的损害。粮食安全是一个几乎会造成社会动荡和增加犯罪倾向的主要问题,因此国家必须采取一些措施来减轻粮食短缺、干旱和长期干旱未来的影响。将食品公司与粮食安全和减轻饥饿联系起来的解决方案至关重要,因为它们是这一问题的重要利益攸关方。然而,企业通过说服技巧和令人信服的词语来掩盖其环境责任的受众(Mason & Mason, 2012)。这必须立即加以制止。相反,必须在商业决策中采用一个新的量化气候变化风险的框架。这样做是为了让投资者和消费者了解公司的主要意图(Demertzidis, Tsalis, Loupa & Nikolaou, 2015)。食品短缺问题必须通过企业和政府更好的参与来解决。破坏农业用地不利于气候保护,并加剧干旱和干旱,因此,粮食作物的增长必须与农业用地百分比的增加相联系。






The solutions provided are more fundamental ones; they are the immediate response to the problems enlisted. The solutions must be adaptable and imbibe practical implementation. The solutions presented are simple, adaptable in immediate future so the damage expected from the impacts can be started to reduce or circumvent. Food security is a major problem which can almost create social unrest and enhance criminal inclinations, hence the country must adopt some measures that mitigate the future impacts of food scarcity, drought, and long term drying. The solution of linking food companies with food security and hunger alleviation is essential as they are an important stakeholder in the problem. However, corporate companies disguising the audience of their environmental responsibility are prominent through articulation of persuasion techniques and using convincing words (Mason & Mason, 2012). This must be curbed immediately. Instead, a refreshed framework of quantifying climate change risks in business decisions must be adopted. This must be done to keep the investor community and consumers informed of the company’s primary intent (Demertzidis, Tsalis, Loupa & Nikolaou, 2015). The food scarcity must be addressed by better involvement of businesses and the government. The destruction of agriculture land is against climate protection and aggravates drying and drought, hence growth in food crops must be associated with increased percentage of agriculture land.


The solution for the rise in coastal temperatures and deepening of inhabitable conditions is best addressed by the planning authorities, who decide the number of habitations on the coast. The solution of being alert beforehand is much more rewarding to the citizens and to the government, as it saves citizens’ lives in emergencies and unnecessary financial burden on the government.


Australia, under pressure of climate change risks such as droughts and rise in coastal region temperatures, is not solely responsible for the mess. It is a cumulative and collective responsibility of the business community, government, citizens, and international business community. All these stakeholders are a part of the problem in different quantities. They all must be a part of the solution in their limited capacities in order to mitigate all climate change impacts that looms the danger of life and property to Australia.

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