9 1 月, 2020


本文是對作曲家雷頓的介紹,雷頓是一個神秘而令人困惑的作曲家,他有能力超越人們到一個新的現實。萊頓是一位保守的作曲家,他過分重視音樂的形式和結構。在他的音樂中,敘述的主題通常有很深的連貫性,這一點在他的音樂中體現得淋漓盡致。人們有一種移動的趨勢,基本上能感受到萊頓在演奏作品時所喚起的不同情感。本篇論文代寫價格文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Leighton is an enigmatic and perplexing composer who has the ability to transcend people to a newer reality. Leighton is a conservative composer who gives undue importance to the form of music and the structure. There is generally a deep coherence of the narrative theme that is essayed in his music which is never prosaic. There is a tendency for the people to move and essentially feel the different emotions that has been invoked by Leighton during the rendition of the works.
He was able to focus and create music for the number of narrative themes. The highlights of the work are that seems to be essayed in most of the works by Leighton is that there is a strong usage of lyricism and a use of the diatonic scale. There is a chromatic style of expressions that is predominant in all of the works and composition by Leighton. In this particular five studies composition it has been found that the natal minor scale becomes influenced by the chromatic alteration of the harmonic minor form. In this there are two or more independent melodic connotations that serve to enhance the overall impact of the composition on the audience. The Five studies composition created by Leighton is an interesting observation that makes the works truly
In the Five studies it showcases Leighton as a thoughtful composer who is able to combine the different elements of conservative music and causes a number of newer pleasing renditions. However he does not deviate from the conservative structuring of the music and the renditions that has been mandates. However there is a newer creation of the existing tones and there is no atonal chord in the music. This makes the works by Leighton to be truly memorable. The characteristic features of these compositions are that there are two slow movements that are clearly demarcated by an impulsive impetus middle movement. This is highlighted in the five studies compositions.
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