9 4 月, 2021



制度理論認爲,包括商業組織在內的任何類型的機構都是社會結構的一部分。換句話說,制度結構遵循一定的準則和規範,這些準則和規範建立在與外部和內部力量的相互作用可能受到影響的理念之上(Suddaby, 2015)。因此,在制度理論中有各種不同的觀點,這些觀點理解了包括個人、組織、政府機構和其他受到制度關係和規範影響的各種因素的參與。

在這方面,國際足聯在2022年世界盃前夕在卡塔爾進行的投資是值得注意的。工人們被迫以不人道的工時工作,而報酬卻非常低。專家指出,在這方面,老闆和僱主在某種程度上扮演了僞主人的角色,這些工人被強迫作爲奴隸工作(Henderson, 2014)。另外一個問題是他們需要獲得出境簽證才能離開卡塔爾。此外,這些工人中大多數是移民,不被允許組成任何形式的工會。


這一問題可以從制度理論的社會視角進行分析。社會視角指出,由於網絡內部的交互作用,機構行爲者,尤其是所有者,被授權以特定方式行事(Fuenfschilling & Truffer, 2014)。因此,可以指出,卡塔爾的問題是由國際足聯在與卡塔爾國家和政府機構互動時所假定的權威權利所驅動的。儘管國際足聯曾聲稱,它正在與卡塔爾機構就解決該國勞工問題進行談判,但並沒有看到實際進展(Rojek, 2014)。因此,國際足聯在一開始就注意到了僱傭移民工人的規則和規範。因此,通過從制度理論的社會視角分析整個問題,可以很容易地指出,缺乏管理行動,形成了國際足聯最近的程序。



Institutional theory states that any type of institute including business organisations is part of a social structure. In other words, institutional structures follow certain guidelines and norms that are built upon the ideas of how interactions with external and internal forces might be affected (Suddaby, 2015). As such, there are various perspectives within institutional theories that understand the involvement of each of the various factors including individuals, organisations, government bodies and others to be affected by institutional relationships and norms.

In this regard, the recent investments that have been made by FIFA in Qatar ahead of the 2022 version of the World Cup event can be noted. The labourers are subjected to work for inhuman hours mostly in return for very low pays. Experts have noted that the owners and the employers in this regard somewhat assume the role of pseudo masters where these workers are being made to work as slaves (Henderson, 2014). What also adds to their problems is the exit VISA that they are required to obtain in order to leave Qatar. Moreover, these workers majority of who are migrants are not allowed to form any kind of unions.


From the social perspective in institutional theory, this issue can be analysed. The social perspective notes that the institutional actors notably the owners in this regard are empowered to act in certain ways because of the interactions within the networks (Fuenfschilling & Truffer, 2014). Therefore, it can be pointed out that the issues in Qatar are motivated by the authoritative entitlement that FIFA had assumed while interacting with the state and government bodies in Qatar. While FIFA had claimed that it has been in talks with the Qatar agencies to address the issues surrounding the labours in the country, no actual development has been noted (Rojek, 2014). As such, the ways in which the rules and norms of employing migrant workers could have been noted by FIFA at the very start. Therefore, by analysing the whole issue from the social perspective of institutional theory, it can be readily pointed out the lacks in management actions that have shaped FIFA’s recent proceedings.

In considering the issues, the fraud and bribery and the exploitation of the migrant workers in Qatar, the decisions of managers and leaders should be noted. While lacks in governance frameworks have been noted to have impacted the bribery issue, the absence of any employment policy for migrant workers has led to the condition of those working in Qatar. Both the issues therefore, point to the faults of management body and leaders of FIFA.

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