15 6 月, 2019



抵押贷款是银行业和金融业的重要组成部分。它是银行或金融机构提供的一种贷款,用于购买房屋或办公室,使用其作为担保的财产。抵押贷款经纪人是在贷款者和借款者之间充当中介的第三方。抵押贷款经纪人经常从事零售银行、土地抵押贷款银行、投资银行和企业银行活动来服务客户(Marshall, 2014)。本项目拟以呈贡信贷公司为主要公司,对抵押经纪客户服务进行评估,并与其他公司进行服务比较。本文就课题的研究范围、研究目的、研究方法、伦理思考和文献综述作了简要的论述。

这将是一个定性的研究,以检查项目的问题。定性研究优于定量研究,因为它有助于深入了解研究主题,从而有效地实现项目目标。对于这个项目,它计划使用主要和次要数据收集方法(Saunders, 2003)。在初步研究中,将采用访谈法。为此,我们将选择承公信贷公司的按揭经纪人以及其他3-4家公司的按揭经纪人进行面试。通过向选定的参与者询问有关客户服务的问题,将公司的抵押贷款服务与其他公司进行比较将是有效的。另一方面,以前的期刊文章、书籍和公司网站将被用来收集二手数据。该数据收集计划将有效地收集到足够数量的相关信息,这对于解决研究问题具有重要意义(McNabb, 2010)。


为了避免伦理问题,在从不同来源收集次要数据时需要考虑一些因素。在这方面,它将确保从现有文献中收集的所有信息都应以本国语编写,并以文本形式引用和引用学术资料,以表扬实际的数据研究人员。它将有效地避免与剽窃和数据操纵相关的问题(Thomas, Silverman, and Nelson, 2015)。此外,个人信息的隐私也是一个潜在的道德问题。为了避免这个问题,我不会从所选择的抵押贷款经纪人那里询问任何有关个人信息的问题,只会专注于研究与此相关的问题。


The mortgage is an important element of banking and financial sectors. It is the type of loan that is provided by a bank or financial institution to purchase house or office using the property it serves as security. A mortgage broker is the third party that acts as an intermediary between lender and borrowers. Mortgage broker often does retail banking, land mortgage banking, investment banking and corporate banking activities to serve customers (Marshall, 2014). This project proposal is concerned with evaluation of customer service of mortgage brokers and comparison of its services with others by selecting Chenggong Credit Corporation as main company. In this proposal, the area of investigation, project aims, project approaches, ethical consideration and literature review are briefly discussed.

This will be a qualitative study to examine the project problem. Qualitative research is preferred over quantitative, because it will be useful to gain an in-depth understanding of the research topic, which is effective to achieve project aims. For this project, it is planning to use both primary and secondary data collection methods (Saunders, 2003). Under primary research, interview method will be used. For this purpose, a mortgage broker of Chenggong Credit Corporation as well as mortgage brokers of other 3-4 companies will be selected to conduct interview process. It will be effective to compare company’s mortgage services with other companies by asking questions regarding customer services with selected participants. On the other hand, previous journals articles, books, and company website will be used to gather secondary data. This data collection plan will be effective to collect relevant information in adequate amount, which is significant to solve research problem (McNabb, 2010).

Ethical Considerations

In order to avoid ethical issues, there is a need to give some considerations when collecting secondary data from different sources. In this concern, it will ensure that all information gathered from existing literature should be written in an own language with in-text citation and reference of academic sources to give credit to actual researchers of data. It will be effective to avoid issues related to plagiarism and manipulation of data (Thomas, Silverman, and Nelson, 2015). Additionally, the privacy of personal information is also a potential area of ethical issue. In order to avoid this issue, I will not ask any question about personal information from the selected mortgage brokers and will focus on only research topic related questions.

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