25 12 月, 2019


本文的主題講紋身。紋身是一個複雜的社會趨勢,這是由個人承擔的原因有很多。這些設計是在人們的皮膚中加入了持久的色素(Doss & Ebesu Hubbard, 2009)。在美國之後,包括香港在內的許多國家都在他們的文化皮膚上烙上了印記。電視節目中出現的媒體名人都有紋身。有時,電視連續劇和節目的特色是與客戶和藝術家有關的紋身實踐。與紋身有關的信息在互聯網上傳播和擴散的機會有所增加。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Tattooing is related to a complex social trend that have undertaken by the individuals for a number of reasons. The designs are created into the skin of the people with the introduction of pigment that are long lasting (Doss & Ebesu Hubbard, 2009). After United States, there have been many countries including Hong Kong that has been inked in to their cultural skin. The television genres show media personalities who are tattooed. Sometimes, the televisions series and shows feature the practices of tattoo in relation to its clients and artists. The increase in opportunity for dissemination and proliferation is provided by the internet for information related to tattooing.
The tattooing has aspects of communication that has been analyzed and connected (Doss & Ebesu Hubbard, 2009; Atkinson, 2004). Doss and Ebesu Hubbard (2009) is of the view that communication takes place with the tattoos whether or not there it been intended by the tattooed individuals to communicate. Van Berkum et al. (2008) examined the communication done by the tattoos with respect to the speaker’s perception. Therefore, examining the scope provided by the tattoos with respect to the communication, the examination is necessary regarding the source of motivation towards tattoo. It should also be examined as to the reason why the individuals can be concealing or revealing them from others, online or in person.
An interesting basis for analyzing the motivations of tattooing has been provided by the Social Identity Theory. Tajfel and Turner (1986) advocated that the definition of society is by groups, and there can be a number of reasons causing conflict. The groups’ interplay can result in the people’s perception on the tattoos and the way tattooed individuals are fitted into the society. There are a number of individuals today, who have been detailing motivations of personalized nature for tattoos.
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