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The Afghanistan based ongoing hostilities are therefore governed through the rules that are applied to armed conflicts in non-global regions found within, laws based on treaty and IHL customs. The similar rules body is also applicable in same situations where the violence level has attained armed conflict and wherein armed actor not from states is a party to that armed conflict. For example, the state in Somalia, Africa.

The central question still remains that, taken collectively, all the terrorism acts carried out within several arts of the world are parts of a single armed conflict as per legal perspective. In another sense, it can be said that the Glasgow, London, Madrid, Bali or Casablanca suicidal bombings can be attributed to single party under IHL. However this is not the case. Additionally, it is also apparent that the concerned authorities in the states is not applicable to the hostility rule conduct when dealing with individuals under suspicion of either planning or carrying terrorist acts.

These would have been allowed if the paradigm of armed conflict was applicable. The rules of IHL have allowed unlawful combatants to target the suspects directly and also to cause collateral damage to people as long as the damage of incidental civilians is not more than the anticipated military advantage. Rather, the rules of law enforcement are applied which attempt at capturing the suspects for trial later on and take care when doing this, that civilian structures are evacuated so as to avoid any kind of injury to people or nearby objects.