




Shopping within the luxury segment has become growingly essential for the travel sector as it is the primary reason for majority of tourists to travel. This showcases the preference among the travelers to increasingly buy products of high quality and that is high end in itself. The leather is viewed similarly by these consumers as they associate it with the notion of luxury which is viewed as value by the producers and in turn improve the ready wear leather produces to be a better quality. It is also evident that the foreign consumers are more likely to buy a product from stores that have employed sales staff of common nationality and common language speaking ability (Yamamoto and Bayramoglu, 2011). For instance, it is viewed that the employment of Mandarin and Russian workforce among luxury retails in France are attracting more consumers and boosting the sales.

This has not only enabled the emergence of consumers in luxury market that travels to France but they have also attracted numerous wealthy tourists from developed nations that are shopping for the luxury products in the market. The apparel segment of one category that is increasingly driving the increment within luxury products is menswear. As men across the globe pay more attention to the appearance, they are becoming more disposed to buy luxury products (Ramchandani and Coste-Maniere, 2015). The men based luxury products has been important within the astronomical Asian growth. Hence, it is not surprising to see the same trend mirroring within the market of France as wealthy Asian travel to such markets for luxury shopping.