23 2 月, 2018



城市城市的公民缺席相互关联以维持其生存,并具有提高其生活质量的普遍意义。一般而言,城市城市具有特定的基本特征,并且对绿色开放空间,娱乐空间,应对区域和社区中心等公共空间的要求(Perlman and Milder,2010)。这些具体的需求和要求来源于众生的根本驱动力。这些驱动力可以与同胞联系,提取社会归属感,并且彼此执行每日感受,情绪和商业交易的交流。 Ballas(2013)在他的研究中清楚地指出,影响生活质量的因素有不可避免的因素,其中最重要的和无穷无尽的因素是城市中存在的开放公共空间的数量和质量。政府的目的是提供条款来提高公民的生活质量。有情的人需要空间来表达他们的感情,并与他们与他们分享邻居的其他人保持联系。



Citizens of urban cities are, by default, interconnected to maintain their survival and carry a general sense of purpose to advance their quality of life. In general, there are specific fundamental characteristics of an urban city and its requirement of public spaces such as green open spaces, recreational spaces, coping areas and community centres (Perlman and Milder, 2010). These specific demands and requirements are derived from the fundamental drive of sentient beings. These drives may be to connect with fellow beings, extract a sense of social belonging, and execute daily exchange of feelings, emotions, and business transactions with one another. Ballas (2013) clearly states in his research that there are unavoidable factors that affect the quality of life, of which the most important and endlessly relevant is the quantity and quality of open public spaces existent in an urban city. The purpose of a government is to make provisions to enhance the quality of life of its citizens. Sentient beings require spaces to express their emotional feelings and stay connected with others with whom they share their neighbourhood.

Cummins and Jackson (2001) admit that green open spaces are necessary for children’s health and well-being, in that it reduces chances of heart-related illnesses, provides cooling shade and reduces souring temperatures. This also infers that the existence of open green spaces encourages physical activity, which in turn reduces health related illnesses and provides a space to express, discourse and bond well with communities. When citizens move out of their house, they inevitably and unavoidably come in contact with open spaces. This must be the fundamental principle on which ruling governments’ formulate plans of designing public spaces and pay attention to the changing paradigm of citizen demands and requirements. For example, in case of couples and families, their natural demand from the local government would have a dedicated recreational open space which can be utilised whenever there is a need. These demands do not work like a market of supply and demand, because these intrinsic needs demanding an outward release or expression require an outlet where they are accommodated (Uffelen, 2013). There might be a perennial demand of solitary space within a bustling urban city, which is unquestionably natural and must be fulfilled for those who seek solitude.

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