论文 重复率:防火墙的性能评估

论文 重复率:防火墙的性能评估


论文 重复率:防火墙的性能评估


论文 重复率:防火墙的性能评估

The firewall performance is generally tested under distinct loads of traffic while taking into consideration various metrics for evaluating the performance of firewall. Within this research paper focus is over various metrics inclusive of throughput, delay, jitters and rate of packet loss. It is the real payload received per time unit. Delay is the time taken by packet to get transferred from the destination source. Jitter is responsible for measuring the variation within received packets delay. Packet loss rates on the other hand are ratios of the packets which are lost to the total packets transmitted.

论文 重复率:防火墙的性能评估

An assessment based methodology has been proposed in this research thesis to evaluate distinct firewall kinds with regard to security and performance. Always it is desired to have firewalls which are not only secure but also resilient to attack but degradation of performance in these is an issue. With the current advancements that the Internet has gone through and the multimedia application extensive use through, users have resulted in making QoS networks to gain priority among users. In order to assess the different firewalls, a proper procedure is used which shows a methodology by which different firewalls can be assessed for performance. In order to begin with the testing, the performance of QoS has been tested under distinct scenarios of traffic. After this, the firewall security is evaluated under various attacks.