3 7 月, 2018



在当今时代,商业组织在不断变化的环境中进行操作,比以往任何时候都要频繁。分析这些变更的关键影响和修改组织交付反应的方式的整个过程称为业务策略。战略可以被认为是企业长期发展的范围和方向,这有助于在不断变化的环境中通过配置能力和资源来实现竞争优势(Ehsani et al., 2009)。无论大型跨国公司或小型组织的工作表现如何,对适当的业务分析术语和技术有更好的理解,这对于决策的战略过程是有用的。关于这个工具,本报告将着重于对两家不同公司进行波特的五种力量分析,以比较它们进行业务操作的方式。本报告选择的两家公司是混合动力汽车有限公司和丰田公司。在波特五力的分析框架中,有五个不同的因素来识别和评估潜在的风险和机会。




In the current era, business organizations conduct operations across an environment that keeps changing on regular basis, more than ever before. The overall process to analyse the key impacts of these changes and to modify the way in which reactions are delivered by organizations is referred to as business strategy. Strategy can be considered as the scope and direction of a business over the longer run, which helps in the achievement of competitive edge in an environment that keeps changing by configuring competencies and resources (Ehsani et al., 2009). Whether there is performance of work across a big- size multinational company or a small- size organization, a better understanding about the appropriate terminology and techniques of business analysis is useful in contributing to the strategic processes of decision-making. In reference with this tool, this report will focus on conducting a detailed Porter’s five force analysis for two different companies in order to compare the ways in which they conduct business operations. The two companies selected for the purpose of this report are Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd. and Toyota. In the analytical framework of Porter’s five forces, there is a consideration of five different factors for identifying and evaluating potential risks and opportunities.

These are as follows:Intensity of competition.Threat from the entry of new businesses in the industry.Threat from substitutes for the products or services being provided.Power to bargain among the supplier.Power to bargain among the customers.The first three factors can be identified as providing reflection for horizontal competition as each and every force conducts operations in the same manner across the market platform. The other two forces are known to be providing a classification of vertical competition, as they have been operating in the chain of supply. If the business appears to be having a highly diversified portfolio of services and products, then there must be creation of a separate model for all of the areas. Understanding the overall dynamics of this framework can be considered important in order to make informed decisions as part of the process of strategy, and it is worth noting that it is inadequate for using it at the overall level of business.

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