1 3 月, 2021



主要是在冬奥会举办之前,索契是一个主要缺乏基本交通和其他住房基础设施的城市。虽然是一个度假小镇,但这些最低限度的选择只能确保不稳定的旅游业。冬奥会之后,这个地方投资了大约510亿美元,与俄罗斯的一些主要城市相比,现在有很多大型设施。在这里可以看到住房、铁路系统和加强对人们的安全措施。在这种快速发展中,正如研究表明的那样,大多数城市没有为可持续发展做太多规划,这也是索契的一个问题(coffee, 2015)。对于未来的赛事,索契应该重新考虑发展计划。他们应该使他们的发展计划更具可持续性。这样一来,土地的使用就会最小化,对土地的影响也会减少。此外,很明显,在奥运会之后,俄罗斯政府不得不花更多的钱来维护场馆。如果索契的发展是可持续的,这种维护本来可以节省下来。


前三个阶段将对活动和场地如何被利益相关者认可产生明确的因果影响(Mitchell & Stewart, 2015;Trubina, 2014)。尽管索契冬奥会的形象不好,基础设施建设负担过重,但它还是圆满完成并令人满意。通过前三个阶段对长期目的地定位、竞争力等进行评估。要理解索契的品牌形象受到的威胁,这甚至是对筹备阶段的威胁,索契必须专注于在全球恢复正面的名声,但这只有在与国家层面的政策挂钩时才有可能实现。





Primarily before the Winter Olympics was hosted here, Sochi was a city that was lacking majorly in even basic transportation and other housing infrastructure. Although a resort town, the minimal options ensured only unstable tourism. After the Winter Olympics, the place was invested with around 51$ billion and now has many large facilities compared to some of the main cities of Russia. Housing units, railway systems and increases security for people are observed here. In this rapid development, as research suggests most cities do not plan much for sustainability and this is an issue for Sochi too (Coaffee, 2015). For future events, Sochi should reconsider development plans. They should make their development plans more sustainable. This way, both the land use would be minimal and land impact will be reduced, too. Furthermore, it was evident that the Russian Government had to spend more on just venue maintenance in the aftermath of the Olympics. This maintenance would have been saved, if Sochi’s development was done sustainably.

The second major recommendations draws from the work of Alberts (2011), which work argued for ways of reuse of the sports facilities that were constructed for the Winter Olympic Games. Now this work focuses on sites different than Sochi, but each of the recommendations can be applied to the Sochi situation. Facilities could be maintained and sustainably reduced to low maintenance till such time when they would be required to host a sports event again.

The first three stages will have a definite causal impact on how the event and venue comes to be recognized by stakeholders (Mitchell & Stewart, 2015; Trubina, 2014). Despite the bad image and the overburdened infrastructure development, the Sochi Olympics was hosted to completion and satisfaction. The long-term destination positioning, the competitiveness and more are assessed by the first three stages. In understanding the threat to brand image of Sochi, that was a threat to even the staging stage, Sochi must focus on regaining a positive name globally but this would be possible only when it is tied with the country level policies.


Event management cycle was applied for the understanding of different stages of the 2014 Winter Olympics that was held at Sochi, Russia. Planned events are very important because events as such improve the local tourism and also improve the competitiveness of the destination. With this in mind, an analysis of Sochi based on the event life cycle proposed by Getz has been useful for suggesting recommendations for improvement of its destination competitiveness.

Based on the investigation of the formation, the growth and the staging stage of the Sochi Winter Olympics, recommendations are made for the event destination on how they could improve sustainability in future events. In order for these recommendations to be applied properly, national level interventions will be necessary.

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