14 11 月, 2018







In the field of cancer treatment, large changes can be found. There are several doctors and medical scientists conducting research to know the effective treatment of cancer. Moreover, in this matter, development of doxorubicin drug is significant. Doxorubicin is an important drug, which is used in chemotherapy to treat various types of cancer. Some of the common forms of cancer, where doxorubicin can be employed efficiently, are bladder cancer, breast cancer, Kaposi’s sarcoma, lymphoma as well as acute lymphocytic leukemia. This important drug is mostly sold under the trade names Adriamycin.


In the cancer treatment, usages of nano-medicines also play important roles. The nano-medicine is considered as the medical application of the nanotechnology. The usage of nanomaterials along with organic devices is an effective treatment for tumor and is widely used in cancer treatment as by this process efficiently kills the tumor cells. Besides this, it is broadly observed that for the Chemotherapy two or multiple drugs are used simultaneously. The cause of multidrug dose is the limitation of a single drug in the treatment of cancer. The usage of a single chemotherapeutic drug is not as much effective as a combination of multi-drug in the anti-tumor treatment. In addition, the only drugs have some limitations like the development of the resistance of the drug, limited administration of clinical uses and high toxicity, multi-drug use to be administrated.

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