8 8 月, 2016







Fishing is also one of the most crucial jobs. The fishing industry has progressed all through the years and has developed. But the risks involved for the fishermen have also grown. The working environment is the most uncomfortable with lengthy working periods on the sea. The isolation from the external environment can also cause psychological problems. The accidents and casualties in this occupation are also high: musculoskeletal problems, stress, hearing problems also exist in this field of work. This life threatening profession poses many threats to the workers, such as exposure to cold, rough seas, injuries, abruptness of sea condition can also be a major cause of sinking of many boats and eventual death of the people on it.

In order to prevent causalities in this line of field engineers have developed solutions that can be beneficial in saving lives and reducing the risks. The emergency stops in ships and boast ensure that when engaged it locks the winch in place limiting severity when ship is caught in the storms. The low cast hath and hath monitoring systems are also used in commercial fishing boats which aid in the prevention of vessel loss in floods. There are also regulations for all commercial fishing companies to train their employees every five years in marine safety. They are also required to wear Personal fishing overalls. This is also based on monthly drills to abandon skip, fire and flooding.

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