23 10 月, 2018



目标三角”是20世纪70年代马丁•巴恩斯(Martin Barnes)最初提出的概念。在此期间,有时间,成本和质量的证明。观察到它们是相互联系的。其中一个元素的任何更改都会在此过程中影响其他两个元素。项目管理三角的内在约束是要求管理者在规定的时间内在实现目标和质量之间取得健康的平衡。




“Triangle of objectives” was a notion that was originally created by Martin Barnes in the 1970s. During this time, there were demonstration of time, cost and quality. It was observed that they are interrelated. Any changes in one of the element caused the other two elements to be affected in this process. The innate constraints of project management triangle are that they require the manager strike a healthy balance of meeting the objectives along with quality within the stipulated time period .


Time elements are the constraints or rules to be followed for the completion of construction project. These are present in contract within the agenda and it is agreed by the client or the situation in contention. This is important for the success of projects. stated that construction industry faces the issue of timely completion of the project. There is a need for a disciplined management effort to ensure that the construction project is complete. These would help the cost and quality. Hence, there is a requirement to meet the objectives. Cost can be defined as total amount paid that is paid for the project. These included direct cost. It would imply the costs regarding plant, material, labor and staff. Added to this, there are indirect costs (e.g. overhead cost). There are project delays that are frequently associated by the cost overflow. This is one of the principal reasons that cause high construction cost

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