





It has been found from various studies that the people that the general threshold to define coolness are the following. If a person looks attractive they are welcome in any social group. There is a preconceived notion that attractive people are friendly and inherently good when compared to the others (Blanton, & Charlene, 2003). The people who are considered intelligent, witty and humorous have their own niche in a social group. These people are well liked by most of the social groups. It has been found that the people who are friendly, amiable are popular in any social gathering. The people who are shy are not considered cool. However a certain detached behavioral approach is considered to be cool. The definition of coolness varies from person to person depending on their individual personality and the societal definition of coolness. It has been found that in many teenage groups a rebellious attitude is considered as cool. There are some negatives associated with this rebelliousness and in an effort to be cool the teenagers succumb to peer pressure and resort to detrimental actions. In the long term the detrimental actions wreck havoc in the life of the people and hence they want to be involved in activities that are considered to be good for themselves and others. The rebelliousness could lead to certain unwanted actions that could also lead to potential health ailments. It can be said that the people in general have internal checkmarks to determine if a person is cool or not. Once the people pass the thresholds they are considered to be cool in some cases even superior in their social group.

It has been found from several surveys and focus groups that with age the definition of coolness vary. It has been found that the people in their early twenties or teenagers’ generally welcome new ideologies grasp newer technology and innovative people as being cool. They also in general admire people who seem a little detached. These people are considered as cool for the younger demography. It has also been observed that the younger generation view rebelliousness as an impressive trait in others. This leads to many of the younger demography to be attracted to people who indulge in drugs and alcohol. But in the long term with age this ideology changes in the social groups. The people who are in their early thirties or forties believe that monetary gain as a precursor to define a person as cool. They find the people making more money as being cool. They are more desirable to the older population. The people from different money backgrounds, ethnicities, and geographical areas all have their own definition of coolness (Cialdini and Melanie, 1998), There is a marked paradigm shift in the thinking of people in different demography.