9 12 月, 2012

加拿大论文代写 12-9


资产周转率在确定每美元资产的销售产生量是非常有用的。但是,我们可以看到,在这两家公司的资产的交付都表现出了良好的性能,对必和必拓,力拓(Rio Tinto)和性能更好。因此,力拓(Rio Tinto)的资产使用是最好的。这是为什么的箭头,力拓(Rio Tinto)的盈利能力。
应收账款周转率测量的效率,该公司利用其资产的。 (Hassan和Dicle,2006年)。高比例意味着该公司工作的集合,良好的信誉。一小部分的问题,该公司在重新评估其信贷政策。如果一个较长的时期,本集团的信贷限额,这意味着该公司获得的利益少。必和必拓然而,由于在2010年的营业额,从8.49下降到6.66,下降的表现力拓(Rio Tinto)是最好的,并增加在7.56至8.14。

流动比率是确定流动性的一个重要指标。流动性比率是用来突出的弱点在该公司的流动性。 20世纪90年代后,该公司使用的现金流量,以确定一家金融公司的地位。
现在,我们专注于目前的货币和必和必拓,证明了稳定和良好的性能上的比例的比例。此外,力拓(Rio Tinto)降低当前的速率和现金在2009年和2010年复苏。然而,在这场竞争中失败,力拓(Rio Tinto)的部分。


Asset Utilization Ratio
• Receivables turnover
• Asset turnover
Asset turnover ratio is useful in determining the amount of sales generated per dollar of assets. However, we can see that in the delivery of the assets of both companies have shown a good performance against BHP, Rio Tinto and performance is better. Therefore, the use of the assets of Rio Tinto is the best. This is why the profitability of the arrow in Rio Tinto.
Accounts receivable turnover also measure the efficiency of the company uses its assets. (Hassan and Dicle, 2006). A high percentage means that the company is working on a collection of good credit. A small percentage of the company in question to its re-evaluation of credit policies. If the credit limit for the group for a longer period, this means that the interest of the company earn less. BHP decline in turnover due in 2010, down from 8.49 to 6.66, however, the performance of Rio Tinto is the best, and an increase in the 7.56 to 8.14.
Liquidity Ratio
• Current ratio
• Cash ratio

Quick ratio and the proportion of cash flow shows the organization’s ability to cover its current liquid assets. Quick ratio is assumed that the organization is the liquid receivables.
The current ratio is a key indicator to determine the liquidity. Liquidity ratios is used to highlight the weaknesses in the company’s liquidity. After the 1990s, the company used most of the cash flows to determine the status of a financial company.
Now, we focus on the proportion of the current monetary and BHP, and proved stable and good performance on each of the ratios. In addition, Rio Tinto lower current rate and cash in 2009 and recovery in 2010. However, the failure of Rio Tinto in this competition in the section.

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