

This research paper has been collectively written by Jens Wüstemann and Sonja Wüstemann. Jens deservingly add grace to the Chair of Accounting and Auditing at the University of Mannheim and Sonja Wüstemann is Assistant Professor at the Department of Auditingand Accounting at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. This research paper was published by the leading journal of Accounting, Business Studies and Finance, Abacus in the year 2010. With a perspective to understand the need for consistency in Accountancy Standards, the paper takes a holistic view of the need while weighing it in the light of rules and principles. Apart from the assessment incorporating defense and alternatives through discussion the paper also throws light on connected fields like the legal theory.
This analysis of Wustemann authors has been supported by other researches as well. With the ever happening up gradation and revision of US GAAP in terms of accounting standards and inferences makes it evident that there are always some rules which are not covered and rules the application which requires the management to use application. On the contrary, there is immense consistency in Germany internal standards, primarily because of the constitutional postulates of justice and equality norms which specify that the matters that are identical they need to be dealt with in a similar manner and different concerns need to be dealt differently (www.aaahq.org)

