Essay 代寫:在中國利用數字媒體進行影視宣傳

Essay 代寫:在中國利用數字媒體進行影視宣傳


Essay 代寫:在中國利用數字媒體進行影視宣傳


Essay 代寫:在中國利用數字媒體進行影視宣傳

The result of this digital and the online media marketing in China is that the box office revenue earned by The Winter Soldier is around RMB800 million, or it can be said the particular movie earned revenue of around $116 million , which was more than revenue earned by the previous franchise,. The revenue earned by the previous franchise, was around RMB80 million or around $130 million . As a result, it can be said that the use of digital media for the promotion of the films and the television shows has turned out to be very fruitful in China and strengthened the partnership of Youku Tudou and Disney. The partnership popularizes both Marvel and Disney in China.

Essay 代寫:在中國利用數字媒體進行影視宣傳

The success of Youku Tudou encouraged other distributors in China. Chinese giants such as Alibaba and Baidu and even Tencent entered the arena of filmmaking as well, along with, expanding their business. They started screening and the distributing the films among the viewers or the individuals. In China, the digital media is slowly replacing the traditional media platforms that are there .