
essay代写-压力的影响分析。压力会导致各种各样的健康问题。它会导致高血压。它会在短期内引起心悸或疲劳,从长远来看会导致许多慢性疾病,如心脏病等。这些人在工作中表现不好,因为他们在压力管理方面存在问题,而且更有可能离开工作岗位。短期压力的问题导致工作效率的问题,而后者导致工作缺勤,如一些工人不得不做其他人的工作等(Connor, 2005)。压力本身是一个多维变量,其触发因素可以理解为来自工作场所的许多事件。同样,压力的影响可以通过多种方式来理解(Bakker & Demerouti, 2007)。

Poor performance is often cited in the context of stress. Stress affects ability of a person in performing their job properly. Stress makes it difficult for people to focus on complex issues and it would even affect the memory of people (Carayon et al., 1999). Research works suggest that when stress increases, then the person could forget important elements. Some of their existing tasks or priorities get jumbled up (Brotheridge & Grandey, 2002). More than the relaxed person, the stressed person is seen to face situations of affect. They end up lacking the motivation to finish a task that they would have begun. In the long run, their motivation takes a hit and as studies indicate, this will have an impact on performance.

The different performance impacting variables are as follows. Negativity in the workplace, a lack of enthusiasm, lack of apathy is some of these variables. Researchers attempt to identify how overall time management and human resource application come under problems here (Dollinger, 1984; Gaines & Jermier, 1983). When people are overwhelmed, they find it difficult to meet expectations or deadlines. It affects their ability to prioritize. It makes them have lesser control over their usual time management skills. This according to researchers led to the negative spiral (Ling et al., 2014). Works are not time managed properly and this causes stress. The stress results in a vicious cycle. Workers are less likely to experience work stress when they have more control over their work, have more control over the way they do their work and participate more in decisions that concern their jobs. It is not just the workers that are affected here, the management is usually pushed to a state where they have to either voluntarily replace their employees or as it happens in most cases, they have to fill up resource vacancies when employees leave.

When stress makes working for a company an unpleasant experience, employees begin to look for new jobs or consider retirement. The loss of experienced employees can cause decreases in production and increases in costs associated with recruiting, hiring and training new workers (Kyriacou, 1987). A high turnover rate can make replacing stressed employees difficult for a company. Effects of stress in organization and managerial implications have been discussed in research literature for a long span of time. Berlew & Hall (1996) in their article present how expectations on performance cause stress for employees that are mitigated by socialization and culture improvement in the workplace by managers. Similarly, Dollinger (1984) and Gaines & Jermier (1983) present the effects of workplace stress on employees. The effects exhaust them both physically and mentally. Workplace conflicts and other issues are also caused because of this. 

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