27 12 月, 2018



通过对几项研究和文献综述所提供的解释进行研究,本文得出结论,要解决这一难题及其模糊性,就需要覆盖利率平价(Bakshi et al., 1997)。根据该模型,远期利率不是未来即期利率的理性预期。然而,这种预期依赖于利率和未来即期利率的差异。这种偏倚是规范中出现错误的结果,在这种错误中,未来的远期汇率被当前的远期汇率所取代。这种错误的说明是远期利率的直接后果(Chinn et al., 2004)。本文还得出结论,在已覆盖和未覆盖的权益均等中存在不一致。


也就是说,当一个人在正确指定的测试等式中涉及到远期溢价时,那么就不存在远期偏差证据。这个难题显然有两个来源,包括真实来源和基于统计的来源。真正的来源是远期汇率是预期未来即期汇率的概念(Bakshi et al., 1997)。当有抵补的利益平价持续存在时,只有在特定条件下才会出现平等。摘要基于统计的视角是一种忽略利率差异、在利率平价范围内修正外汇汇率的测试方程,其性质是错误的。


Looking at the explanations offered across several studies and literature reviews, this essay concluded that covered interest rate parity is required to deal with the puzzle and its ambiguity (Bakshi et al., 1997). As per this model, rates of forward nature are not future spot rates rational expectations. Such expectations however have a dependency over differentials of interest rate and future spot rates. The biasness is the consequence of an error in specification wherein future rates of forward exchange are replaced with present rates of forward exchange. Such a misspecification is the direct consequence of forward rates (Chinn et al., 2004). The paper also concluded that there is inconsistency in covered and uncovered parity of interest.


It is also to say that when one involves the forward premium within a testing equality that is specified correctly then there does not exist forward bias evidence. The puzzle apparently has 2 sources inclusive of real one and statistic based. The real source is the notion that the rate of forward exchange is the expected rate of spot exchange in future (Bakshi et al., 1997). When covered parity of interest persists, equality is present only when specific conditions are given. The statistics based perspective is a testing equation of miss-specified nature omitting the differential of interest rate and modification within rate of foreign exchange implied through interest parity coverage.

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