




與挪威一樣,英國也可以成為歐盟經濟區(European Economic Area)的成員國,該地區的成員國獲準進入歐盟單一市場。不同的是,英國可以選擇瑞士模式,通過雙邊條約進入歐盟單一市場。在這種情況下,英國不需要成為歐盟或歐洲經濟共同體的成員國。


The referendum left the significant uncertainty for the financial services sector. The financial sector requires continued access to the single market. On the other hand, UK governmental agencies interested to exit the negotiations.
After referendum, the British banks expect reduced access to the market for financial services in remaining EU member countries. The Britain can offer such services in its country and idle for other member countries. The Britain must sign the rules of single market to access market of financial services in other member states of EU.


Like Norway, UK can become member with European Economic Area for which the members are granted to access the EU’s single market. In different, UK can choose Swiss model and can obtain access to the EU single market through by adopting bilateral treaties. In that case, UK need not have membership with EU or EEA.