17 5 月, 2021










根据2001年的法律,违反公司法意味着一些非法行为和个人是要受到惩罚的,在第217节中,实体或上市公司必须获得一些上市公司成员的批准。在违反第260 A条的情况下,该组织提供财政援助。公司必须对违反合同、条款、条件等承担责任,就像法律一样。所有的董事和非执行董事都有很大的责任去遵守规章制度和立法,例如,Susan也必须为违反公司法2001 (Shaw, 2014)的行为支付确认费。偶然的情况下,个人因某些行为违反了法定义务而缺乏高额的损害赔偿,那么某人就可以对其违反法定义务提起强烈的诉讼。没有考虑到对法定义务的漫不经心态度的兴起,如果对违反法定义务的行为激发了诉权,那么违约的后果在2001年公司法中已经有了明确的描述。


As per as breach of Corporations Act 2001, it is considered as an illegal act, the breaching of the statutory provisions would be an illegal act, so the judges take the decisions, some of the breach of Corporations Act 2001 are as follows:

Some of the public entity or a company contravenes

a) The validity of the transaction or contracted linked will not affect with the giving of benefits.

b) Company or public entity is not supporting the guilty of the offense.

2) In the contravention of section 208 by the public agency or company of an individual, contravenes of the subsections are involved.

3) In the contravention of section 2008 by the public entity or company of a person commits the offenses are involved.


As per as the law of the breaching of the Corporation Act 2001 means of some illegal act and the person is punishable, in the sections 217 the entity or public company must obtain the approval of members of some public company set out. In the contravention of section 260 A, the organization provides the financial assistance. The companies must be liable for the breaching of contract, terms, conditions and much more, as per like the law. It is of great responsibility for all directors and non-executive directors to follow the rules regulations and legislature, for example, Susan also has to pay the confirmation for such breaching of corporation act 2001 (Shaw, 2014). By chance an individual lacking from the high damages due to some of the breach of the statutory duty, then someone can bring the strong action for the breach of the statutory duty. It is not given the rise of the careless attitude towards the statutory duty of which the actions caused if there excitation of the right of action for the breach of the statutory duty, so the consequences of the breach have been described clearly in the Corporation Act 2001.

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