27 12 月, 2019


本文講的是學習環境正在改變,學習環境正在改變。學生們對從不同角度學習新事物的好奇心增強了。傳統的課堂授課形式已經不能滿足學生的需要,根據不同的教學策略和不同的教學計劃,教師有必要根據學生的具體情況採取不同的教學策略和教學計劃。這只有在教師也是一個持續學習者的情況下才有可能(Bullough & Stokes, 1994)。本篇代寫論文文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The learning environments are changing. Students and their curiosity to learn newer things in different perspectives have increased. Traditional form of classroom delivery is no longer sufficient and as evaluated in the other PCs, it is necessary for the instructor to adapt different instruction strategies and different lesson plans based on the student. This would be possible only if the instructor is also a continuous learner (Bullough & Stokes, 1994).
Lifelong learning is a commitment made by teachers for their professional development (Conway et al., 2005). In research works, it is seen that the pedagogical training of the teachers in universities and schools have a direct impact on the quality of learning that is imparted to the students. Professional development for the student can be as simple as taking some classes or extra training courses. It could be informal networking such as blogging with other teachers, or field trips etc., carried out with other professionals of the same category. In addition to these forms of training and professional development, the instructor should make use of feedback based development.
Feedbacks are an excellent way for the instructor to assess where they stand with respect to their teaching. It is a way for them to interact with the parents of their students, their professional peers and the students themselves. This gives the teachers a chance to understand where they could actively change and where their works are considered skilled enough. Only by mixing feedback from their direct experience and the existing theory works in their actual field, can instructors be able to promote their professional development and learning experience.
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