26 10 月, 2017



监控客户的偏好是关键:经常客户需要改变对他们的订阅服务的偏好。数据库允许企业有机会管理一个地区的客户信息(Lewis et al .,2015)。新的营销渠道一直在不断地开放,但是通过数据库营销仍然是每个广告策略的重要组成部分。数据库营销被发现考虑到组织的需求,除了在数据库中更新客户偏好的能力(Reis et al .,2015)。销售团队以及营销者都有能力每天收集大量的客户数据,这使得数据库能够与客户的偏好进行转换,从而为企业提供一种轻松的方式,将信息保存在个人档案中。这个单独的门户不仅负责存储信息,还负责在发生变化的情况下进行跟踪活动。


客户是数据库营销的核心。组织需要将他们的营销活动与客户基础上的目标一致(Risselada et al .,2014)。企业甚至需要考虑采用这些最佳实践,从而使组织能够对客户的信息进行归档,并更新客户的偏好。数据库营销专家建议组织应该利用数据库营销,他们应该使这种营销形式成为他们在广告中的主动性工作的重要组成部分(Tiago和Verissimo,2014)。组织应该在数据库营销中使用最佳实践,以使每一种实践都符合目标受众(De Bock,2016)。这需要进行实践,而不必忘记总是需要了解客户当前的倾向,并在未来的计划中集成当前数据。

Monitoring preferences of the customers is the key: frequently customers gain the necessity to change any preferences with regard to subscriptions marketed to them. Databases allow businesses with the chance of managing the information of customers in one area (Lewis et al., 2015). Newer channels of marketing keep opening up at all times but marketing through database continues being an important component of every strategy of advertising. The database marketing is found to take into account the organizational needs besides the ability to update preferences of the customers across the database (Reis et al., 2015). Sales teams as well as marketers have the capability of gathering various customer data in large amounts on daily basis, which allows the database to transition with preferences of the customers to offer businesses an easy manner of keeping information across an individual archive. This individual portal is not only responsible for storing information but also for undertaking tracking activity in situations where there is a change in preference.
Customers are at the core of database marketing. Organizations need to align their campaigns of marketing across the client base at targeted (Risselada et al., 2014). Businesses even require considering adopting those best practices, which can allow the organization to archive the information of customers and update the same with regard to changing preferences of the customer. Specialists of database marketing are of the recommendation that organizations should make use of database marketing and they should make this marketing form an important component of their initiatives in advertising (Tiago and Verissimo, 2014). The organizations should use best practices in database marketing for aligning every practice as per the audience at target (De Bock, 2016). This is required to be practiced without forgetting the need to always be informed over the current inclinations of customer and for integrating present data within initiatives of future.
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