代寫論文 價格-銀行實施合規風險管理軟件的好處

本文講的是銀行實施合規風險管理軟件的好處,商業銀行花費大量資金實施合規風險管理軟件。銀行的客戶關係管理系統可以被每個個人和部門所關注。通過對客戶進行財務報表方面的教育,促進商業銀行的客戶關係管理實踐。如果組織對商業銀行的目標和目的進行分析,那麼商業銀行內部的CRM實踐可以得到加強。根據Arena等人(2010)的研究,銀行應該分析其短期和長期的財政影響。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Commercial banks spend a lot of money for the implementation of Compliance Risk management software. CRM system of the banks can be looked up by the concern on every individual and department. CRM practices of the commercial banks will be progressed by educating the customers on the financial statement. The CRM practices within commercial banks can be increased if organization analyses the goals and objectives of the business. According to Arena et al. (2010), the banks should analyse their fiscal implications in short run and long run.
CRM system can be increased by building a team who is empower to solve the problems of customers. Many of the projects of banks were failed because critical stakeholders were not involved in the CRM activities. Therefore, banks have to be developed by the corporate wide CRM management from the key stakeholders. Mikes (2011) supports the views of Arena et al. (2010) that commercial should recover their CRM system by determining CRM requirements and drivers. Moreover, commercial banks should develop a roadmap related to CRM that will contain a master plan to achieve the corporate vision of CRM.
By this, the Compliance Risk management can be progressed by mobile customer support system. Commercial banks should be speeded up the implementation of technology. Groenfeldt (2014) describes that CRM system can be improved by service culture that has been developed between the staff members of commercial banks. Compliance risk management can be looked up by technology which enables to capture data automatically during every contact with the customers. The banks should implement the 360 degree customer’s view to increase the level of CRM practices to increase the level of productivity.

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