代寫論文 價格-老年人孤獨的因素和消除方法

本文主要講的是老年人孤獨的因素和消除方法,在這些情況下,老年人會在一段時間內變得更加孤立和孤獨。老年人的社會網絡構成更加不穩定,因為必然存在社會問題的複合因素。人們的期望被降低了。最重要的是,老年人失去了希望。這種希望的喪失造成了無助感,這增加了現有的問題,增加了社會上出現的問題。因此,對社會沒有義務,失去配偶,長期疾病或殘疾,感覺孤獨,導致資深成員感到孤立。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In these cases, the older people are found to become more isolated and lonely over a period of time. The social network composition of the older people is more unstable as there must be factoring of the social issues that compound to this process. The expectations are found to be diminished. Most importantly, there is loss of hope by the older people. This loss of hope creates the sense of being helpless and this adds to the existing problems and adds to the issues that are cropping in the society. Hence having no obligations to the society, loss of spouse, chronic illness or disability and a sense of feeling lonely causes the senior members to feel isolated.
Added to these, there are certain subjective factors that aid towards this development. There are certain proactive measures that can be taken in order to bring in more quality of life. These have been detailed in the following.One of the important techniques of removing the isolation is to create a program that meets the target of the individuals. The individual subjective conditions must be considered in order to develop appropriate solutions and remedies for these issues. There must be intervention that target towards these growth factor. For example, there can be specific activities in the retirement facilities to ensure that the people are not isolated socially.
In the retirement care facilities, the extent of loneliness and social isolation is found to be relatively lesser. There is little known information about the extent of the social isolation and the loneliness. The nature of the residential care environment includes communal living, on-site care and support the people. There is lesser likelihood of the social isolation in these cases. However, the impact of these residential care services depends on how the individuals pressure these services( Brownie and Nancarrow, 2013).
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