6 1 月, 2020


本文主要讲管理工人时遇到的问题,这些因素使英国管理者产生一种恐惧感。他们始终处于一种矛盾的立场,不知道应该采取什么办法来对待人民。他们不想被批评为排斥他人,也不想被批评为同情他人。英国的经理们想要一种有生产力的文化,不想冒犯或降低士气。他们经常处于一种进退两难的状态,不知道什么样的方法最适合他们的需要,才能满足公司的主要目标。除此之外,还有一些中国工人的固有问题需要探讨。本篇代写论文价格文章由英国论文时Essay Times教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These factors cause the British managers to develop a sense of apprehension. They are in a constant ambivalent stand as to what approach they should undertake with the people. They do not want to be critiqued of exclusion and also of being empathetic. British managers want a culture of productivity and do not want to offend or lower morale. They are in a constant state of dilemma as to what kind of approach would best suit their needs to meet the primary objectives of the company. Apart from this, there are the innate issues of the Chinese workers that need to be explored.
The Chinese workers also face their own issues when handling a manager from western ideology. The Chinese entry level workers face their own set of issues when they are made to work in UK.From this analysis, it is quite clear that the people need to understand and develop empathy for the people from the other culture to create a cohesive work environment. The culture model theories provide some insight to create a productive work environment for all the stakeholders involved in the process. The culture model theories are explained in the following section.
As stated earlier, the generic theories try to create a policy that would foster innovation in the company and in the processes. There are no considerations given to the cultural nuances in these theories. They adopt a blanketed approach in dealing with the people. The people from the different culture are found to operate and perceive in different ways to reach their individual objectives as well as the business objective (Minkov and Hofstede, 2011). A factor that is considered as a normative behaviour in one culture will be perceived as something unnatural in another culture.

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