15 11 月, 2021


代写论文价格:儿童心理健康服务。2014年,成立了儿童和青年心理健康和福祉工作队,目的是提供更好和更好的心理健康服务,并使儿童、父母、青年及其职业生涯更容易获得支持和帮助。只有四分之一的儿童接受可诊断的心理健康问题的心理保健和治疗。这就是为什么需要心理健康支持的儿童数量正在上升的原因。研究发现,在2011年至2015年期间,转介到专业心理健康服务机构的人数上升了44% (Frith, 2016)。接下来代写论文专家将为同学们讨论下儿童心理健康服务。

“思想中的未来”计划旨在每年向另外70 000名儿童提供服务,使他们能够接受精神保健。然而,问题是,有了这项额外服务,只有三分之一的儿童能够接受可诊断的心理健康问题的治疗和护理(儿童心理学家协会,2016年)。然而,这一举措将带来一些等待时间的改善,也将提高透明度(NHS Benchmarking Network, 2016)。最近从NHS基准测试获得的数据显示,第一次预约的平均等待时间已经减少,现在已经变成了9周,第二次预约接受治疗的平均等待时间已经变成了17周(NHS基准测试网络,2016)。然而,这并不能掩盖国民保健制度的局限性,目前无法满足和支持每一个有心理健康问题的儿童。这也表明,有必要建立一个有助于在初期发现问题并能有效侧重于预防和早期干预的综合系统,以减轻CAMHS的负担。

研究还发现,CAMHS能力不足导致了一个重大问题,等待时间增加,儿童门槛也提高了。有限的心理健康服务负担过重,增加了等待时间。根据最近的证据,可以看到,CAMHS首次预约的平均等待时间大约是26周和42周,直到治疗开始(Frith, 2016)。

这可能是一个重大问题,因为儿童必须等待大约42周才能得到有效的治疗,同时他们的疾病可能会增加。另一项研究发现,在年轻人第一次经历心理健康问题和第一次接受帮助之间有一个非常显著的延迟,大约10年(Kessler et al., 2005)。2014年,成立了儿童和青年心理健康和福祉工作队,目的是提供更好和更好的心理健康服务,并使儿童、父母、青年及其职业生涯更容易获得支持和帮助。此外,还成立了这个工作队,以改善为儿童提供的心理健康服务,这导致了对”心中有未来”的投资(全国儿童局/学校和学院领导人协会,2016年2月)。

The Future in Minds aims towards providing services to additional 70,000 children so that they can receive mental health care every year. However, the problem is that with this additional service, only one in every three children will be able to receive the treatment and care for the diagnosable mental health problem (Association of Child Psychologists, 2016). However, this initiative will bring some improvement in the waiting time and will also enhance transparency (NHS Benchmarking Network, 2016). The recent data obtained from NHS Benchmarking has shown that the average waiting time for the first appointment has reduced that now has become 9 weeks and average waiting time for the second appointment to receive treatment has become 17 weeks (NHS Benchmarking Network, 2016). However, this has not been able to hide the limitation of NHS, which is currently unable to meet the demand and support every child, who is going through mental health problem. This also displays that there is a requirement of the integrated system that helps in identifying the problem at the initial stage and could effectively focus on prevention and early intervention for reducing the burden of CAMHS.

It has also been found that lack of capacity of CAMHS has led to a significant problem, where the waiting time has increased and thresholds of the children have also grown higher. The over burden on the limited mental health services has increased the waiting time. According to the recent evidence, it has been seen that average waiting time for the first appointment with CAMHS is about 26 weeks and 42 weeks until the treatment is started (Frith, 2016).

This could be a significant issue because children have to wait for approximately 42 weeks for receiving the effective treatment and meanwhile their illness may increase. Another study has found that there is a very significant delay, which is about 10 years between the time the young person first experience the mental health problem and the time they first receive the help (Kessler et al., 2005). In the year 2014, the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Taskforce was established with the aim of providing better and improved mental health services and making the process easier for children, for parents, for young people and their careers to access the support and help. In addition, this taskforce was established in order to improve the provision of mental health services for children and this has led to investment of the ‘Future in Mind’ (National Children’s Bureau/Association for School and College Leaders February, 2016).


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