
代写论文价格-Descanso花园。Descanso花园是美国最著名的花园之一。Descanso Gardens的房产最初由《洛杉矶每日新闻》(Los Angeles Daily News)最大的报业巨头之一埃利亚斯·曼彻斯特·博迪(Elias Manchester Boddy)拥有和管理,博迪还是民主党国会党的主要成员。本文将在借鉴Descanso Gardens的基础上,正确分析与之相关的所有主要方面(Descanso Gardens, 2017)。本文还将重点分析Descanso花园自1950年开放以来的简史。本文将重点突出空间管理者所面临的所有维护管理和维护问题,以保证项目的按时实施。最后,Descanso花园的社会影响也将被评估,以了解花园所面临的环境挑战,如技术形式。

The concept of Descanso Gardens was developed in an area of 150 acres in the location of Los Angeles County, California, United States. It was initially developed as one of the beautiful botanical gardens in the entire United States. The concept of Descanso Gardens was initially developed in the year 1953 and it was owned and managed by the newspaper magnate Mr. Elias Manchester Boddy (Descanso, 2017). The plot of area of Descanso Garden was purchased by E. Manchester Boddy in the year 1930 and he also appointed James E. Dolena to design 165 acres of underdeveloped land into a ranch.
The Descanso Garden was first opened to the public after the Second World War in the year 1950 with a social goal to ease the minds of the people of the country who have suffered during the wars. In the year 1952, Boddy sold his garden to the Walt Disney, but later on it was purchased by the Los Angeles Country through the initial requests of the people living close to the garden. It was observed that the people of the Los Angeles Country wanted the government to make this garden as an ecological project where people can freely send their time close to the nature (Parks, 2017). Finally, in the year 1953, the Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles County signed a four year lease or purchase plan from Boddy at an amount of $1,160,000 and turned Descanso Gardens from a private estate to a public property. Currently, the aesthetic goal of Descanso Gardens is to hosts three gallery exhibits every year and The Oak Woodland has also been expanded along the Los Angele Basin which provides a recreation of the oaks and meadows in the county. It has been recently observed that around 120,000 people in the entire country have become prominent members of Descanso which immensely helps the garden to flourish and provide benefit to the people of the Los Angeles County. These goals are entirely defined and set by the Board of Members of Los Angeles County in order to educate its citizens about environment.

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