





The Monroe Doctrine was commenced on 2 December, 1823 which was conveyed by President James Monroe in a speech. This idea has been come out by George Washington in Farewell speech, in this speech he addresses in opposition to the involvement of close politics with European. This concept was initiated before Monroe has addressed to congress. Bolivia has continued like Latin America Spanish colony and others confirmed as sovereignty. Several islands of Caribbea remained in direction of Spanish colony. During European war clouds emergence in 1823, the United States freighted that Caribbean colonies of Spain might dumped to Britain or France which was an alarming situation. The John Quincy Adams, State Secretary gave a letter to the American minister, Hugh Nelson in Spain and outlined his distress into this letter.

France has traversed the Pyrenees to assist the critical state like revolution beside the Spanish monarch. In order to recapture colonies for Spain, Britain had shown significant concern directing combined mission of French and Spanish against Latin America. The British foreign minister, George Canning addressed the Richard Rush who is American minister and recommended this combined mission opposing these developments would serve the interests of both. Rush approved the word back to John Quincy Adams. Rush has sent this proposal to Monroe who required recommendations given by Madison and Jefferson. They replied that as U.S. should keep away in relating itself in strict European matters. The non-intervention of Europe in this matter was very essential that America would warn to understand the British tender.