25 10 月, 2017





从去污剂、盐、摄取量的DNA纯化步骤在细胞溶解过程中使用。为此,对乙醇沉淀、苯酚-氯仿萃取或微柱萃取步骤进行了研究。每一个过程都是根据研究的最终目标决定的。有专门的DNA隔离技术。细胞蛋白和组蛋白通过添加蛋白酶(Freeland,2011)被绑定到膜上。在分离DNA后,它们溶解在碱性黄油中。他们在TE bugger或清水里。这个实验的目的是为了确定鸟的性别鉴定的DNA。我们必须了解异形性。这是DNA的基本类比。异配性是指性染色体不相同的物种的性别。在人类中,雄性物种有x和Y染色体,被认为是异形性。另一方面,对雌性来说,它是XX染色体,被称为同形性。


Deoxyribonucleic acid is an important element that carries genetic instructions. These are embedded instruction that play an important role in the determination of the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses. For the DNA extraction and visualization cells need to be collated, cell membranes need to be open to expose the DNA along with the cytoplasm. The solution is then treated with a salt solution to make the components of protein, RNA and lipid to be clumped together. Then centrifugation is done with the mixture of solution. This is a process that is used for the separation of the different elements of the DNA. It is observed to contain clumped cellular debris that is found inside the DNA.

The DNA purification steps from the detergent, salt, regent are used during the cell lysis step. For this, the steps of ethanol precipitation, phenol-chloroform extracting or mini column extraction are done. Each of this process is determined based on the final objective of the research. There are specific techniques for DNA isolation. The cellular proteins and histone proteins are bound to the membrane by the addition of a protease (Freeland, 2011). Subsequent to the isolation of the DNA, they are dissolved in alkaline butter. They are in the TE bugger or in the clear water. The purpose of this experimentation is to determine the bird DNA for sex identification. It is imperative to comprehend about the heterogametic sex. This is the basic analogy that exists for the DNA. The heterogametic sex refers to the gender of the species where the sex chromosomes are not the same. In human, male species have an x and Y chromosome and are considered to be heterogametic sex. On the other hand, for the female, it would be XX chromosome and would be referred as the homogametic sex.

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