24 2 月, 2018



我使用应用程序记下笔记的感受是一个值得欢迎的想法。我认为演讲者参孙说话非常快。说话者的观念被说话者忽视(Burnham,2003; Ball&Rahilly,2000)。即使演讲者正在谈论有趣的产品,记录成为一个让人们忘记演讲者在说什么的过程。已经制作了标记好的文件,现在观众可以关注演讲者对人们说的话。但是,与绿色斑点产品相比,该产品看起来像是一种辅助产品。减少论文使用的方面是说话者细节的吸引人的概念。但是,这仍然感觉就像社会中已经存在的产品。对于产品来说,更迫切需要解决环境中的浪费问题,而不是使用已经开发的应用程序的笔记。目前有很多产品存在。我对产品的评估是这对我来说是一个更相关的产品。我喜欢能帮助我了解产品的应用程序。从演讲者所说的结论可以得出结论,该产品是教师和学生的有用产品。


My feelings of using an application to take down notes are a welcome thought. I thought the speaker Samson was talking very fast. The notion of enunciation is overlooked by the speaker (Burnham, 2003; Ball & Rahilly, 2000). Even though the speakers were talking about interesting products, notes taking become a process that makes the people forget about what the speaker is talking. There are already marked-up documents that are made and now the audience can focus on what the speaker says to the people. However, when compared to the Green Spot products, this product seems like an ancillary product. The aspect of reducing the use of papers is an appealing notion that the speaker details. However, this still feels like a product that already exists in the societies. There is a more pressing need for products to address the waste in the environment rather than notes taking app that is already been developed. There are a number of products that exist in the current. My assessment of the product is that this would be a more relevant product for me. I like the apps that would help me learn about the products. The conclusions that can be drawn from what the speaker says are that the product is a useful product for teachers and students.

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