

The earlier past had the poker as hot and that particular moment is not changing but the poker is shifted to the present and future moments so there is only a shifting of the poker from one form to another, but the moment itself is not changing. The poker is hot in the ‘present’ moment and it becomes cold in the ‘future’ moment thus reinforcing the belief that these two moments are different and does not change in itself. The argument that poker like subjects have temporal parts and not spatial is refuted with the claim that temporal is always attached to the poker as it is visibly getting cold from being hot in one moment, so with time proceeding the poker though relative to spatial parts is also associated with temporal parts of time from ‘present’ where it is hot to the ‘future’ where it will be cold. Thus, it is proven that spatial or temporal parts, when the object itself undergoes physical change, it is automatically associated with the shifting of moments in addition to the spatial changes that it experiences.
McTaggart has shown that the A series is a necessity to term time as real and prove its existence but in the absence of a series, B series is not capable of proving the existence of time. Presentists use the distinction of past, present, and future to distinguish time and prove its unreality. However, McTaggart proves that each moment has always become past from being future and that these distinctions are necessary to consider when time is measurable and has an end, but if time is immeasurable then one moment can never be past, present and future at the same time. McTaggart also contends the successive existence of past, present, and future in a single moment with an argument that if al presentists do is to focus on the present moment, then they have a narrow view about the past and future and that they call the moment as present only in reference with the past and future which is again a contradiction of their own theory. Presentists argument that there in only a present view of time and nothing else, fail to understand that the present view which is existent will not stay present for long and will be dead and be called as past and remain in memory. Though presentists pose a god argument, it is not clear whether they are able to prove the reality of time as convincingly as McTaggart has proved the unreality of time.

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