24 9 月, 2019


代写-儿童故事《眨眼的比尔》对澳大利亚本土文化的探究。这篇反思性的文章将批判性地反思澳大利亚本土的文化背景,因为它已经通过动画和儿童奇幻故事的隐喻性描述。讲故事的传统是一种古老的文化,它通过多种版本的口头和读写文档渗透到当代。童话和幻想故事仍然是一种对过去本土历史和经历的文化记录。事实上,人们已经批判性地观察到,当地人的故事和民间传说讲述了一个特定地区的土著文化。因此,本文将通过对《闪闪的比尔》(Blinky Bill, 2014)儿童故事的象征性探索来探究澳大利亚本土文化。

It had been widely recognised that the idea of environmental sustainability is not inculcated in the preschool school curriculum. It has been, however, widely agreed that it is of imperative importance to introduce the children to their environment and its importance from a tender age. In regard to the discussed context, it could be observed that the selected book for the purpose of the assignment is the Blinky Bill written by the Australian author, who has also illustrated the story—Dorothy Wall. It is an animated story an anthropomorphic Koala and a number of other wild lives which are typical to the Australian wilderness. The book was considered a children’s classic from Australia. The opening of the story documents a number of wild lives skilfully animated as Mrs Koala, Kookaburras, Mrs Magpie, Mrs Kangaroos, Mrs Snake, Mrs Rabbit celebrating the birth of a new baby Koala. The bush land was filled with excitement. The wild community was welcomed the new member which has been described as the ‘funniest wee creature’. The book is a perfect selection for the children group aged from 5-8. It will assist them develop an idea of the environmental diversity and the rich would life of Australia, especially when there is an alarming concern for the rise in the environmental issues (Edwards & Cutter-Mackenzie, 2011). Critics have noted that at the tender s preschool ages the children are yet to learn about the environmental diversity and the sustainable practises which are crucial to be adopted at a young age (Ailwood, et al., 2011). This book will successfully drive home the importance of environmental preservation to enrich the biodiversity. It will provide assistance to the children in introducing themselves to the native Australian culture and storytelling methods. It is to be noted that the author has successfully assimilated the native strait islander’s method. The narration takes the readers back to the pre historic times when the wild lives roamed free of the human terror (Williams, 2014). The abundance of the species within the given locale throws a light on the rich biodiversity of Australia. It will aid children develop their inquisitiveness on their surrounding environment (Frey & Palmer, 2017).
The selected story speaks of the terror the wild animals have to live in, running from the hunters and their guns. It speaks of the animal revolt against the human world as they go about ravaging their way, after the rude intervention from the civilised world has threatened their existence. In this regard, the book becomes important as it elaborates the human activities and destruction carried out in the wild. The animal lives are rendered helpless. The animal suffering voiced through the animation of the species will assist the tender mind of the children in understanding the environmental challenges and issues faced by the Australian wildlife. In this respect, it could be understood that the selection of the book will act as a captivating project for the children in introducing them to their natural environment. The project could be inculcated in their curriculum through various interesting projects (Huber et al., 2013).

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