7 2 月, 2013

代写dissertation 2-7


The third segment is not compulsory, however, if time and resources permit can also be studied. It consists of the population that is best able to judge how ready students of both education systems are for employment. This will be an active test for transformational leadership education of both countries. Employers are perhaps the best guide for the measure of practical skills and actual performance abilities of these students. Thus this segment of the population should be targeted by questionnaires. The case study should be on a massive scale and its objective should be to target all sectors of employment for a balanced view. The case study should be specific and should be meant to offer specific insight by employers. Again care should be taken to target employers who have had employees from both the educations systems; students from the classroom in China and students from the classroom in Canada. This will enable us to compare the classroom in China with the classroom in Canada and asses which one of them is the better of the two. (Fountas & Pinnell, 2001)

Other sources should also be paid close attention during the research apart from the case study. Other exploratory research on the topic, such as scientific publications in magazines, journal articles and such. These are secondary sources of information and they should not be too difficult to come by.


第三部分是不是强制性的,但是,如果时间和资源允许,也可以研究。它包括的人口是最好的,能够判断如何准备的两个教育系统的学生就业。变革型领导的这两个国家的教育,这将是一个积极的测试。的雇主也许是最好的指南衡量这些学生的实践技能和实际表现能力。因此,这部分的人口应该有针对性的调查问卷。的案例研究应该是一个巨大的规模,其目标应该是针对所有行业的就业平衡的观点。应该是具体的案例研究,应是由雇主提供具体的了解。同样应采取目标雇主,员工的教育系统,学生从教室里中国学生从教室在加拿大。这将使我们能够比较中国与加拿大和驴的教室里其中哪一个是更好的两个教室里。 (丰塔斯和Pinnell,2001年)


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