

Stereotyped view of others:
The victims of groupthink are so closed minded that they have created stereotypes for the opposition, of anyone who has a different opinion than them. They often consider the ‘enemy group’ as weak, stupid, wrong, vulnerable or immoral.
Type III: Pressures toward uniformity
Pressure on Dissent:
The victims of groupthink often start pressurizing those with a different opinion to concur to their decision. They start to coerce those who question the validity of their argument or the stance preferred by most. Since there is a reasonable social cost attached to disagreeing with the group, people often with a different viewpoint remain silent.
When certain members of the decision-making group begin censoring themselves and restrain from voicing their opinions, they have become a victim of groupthink. They stay silent so as not to deviate from the generally accepted ‘apparent’ group consensus and also to silence themselves so as to reduce the importance of their own doubts and counter-arguments.

Illusion of Unanimity:
People victim of groupthink often conjure up illusions of unanimity regarding judgements made by majority of the group. This symptom is caused partially due to the silence from other group members, which is taken as agreeing with the popular decision. That popular decision is supported by each team member as they are only focusing on the common points supporting the decision. This is done at the expense of complete exploration of variations that might cause them to rethink their decision.
Last type of symptoms is mind-guarding. When a certain group of people become in-charge of guarding the minds of others in the group, they are a victim of mind-guarding and groupthink. Those people are practicing selective listening and only relaying information which is going to support the majority’s point of view. They will try to hide any adverse information that may be destructive for facts concerning appropriateness of the decision.



