
代写assignment-品牌信任对消费者购买意愿的影响。中国智能手机市场被认为是一个强劲的市场,本土和国际手机厂商之间竞争激烈。在研究和媒体网站中,约54%的受访者表示他们倾向于购买或更换智能手机(Linkfluence, 2016)。然而,另一方面,我们也可以发现,消费者不愿意在智能手机上花费太多,因为目前的技术不断变化。客户希望接受最新的技术和他们购买的每一款智能手机,以配备改进的功能(Wei & Lo, 2015)。他们希望每一分钱都有价值(Wei & Lo, 2015),然而,他们认为有价值的价值需要评估和定义。在此背景下,品牌信任被认为是影响智能手机产品与消费者关系的重要因素之一,因为信任被广泛认为是个体之间长期健康关系的重要要求(Erdem et al., 2006)。研究表明,品牌信任与消费者的品牌忠诚度和购买意愿呈正相关关系(Fournier, 1998)。福涅尔(1998)的研究是通过信任的社会心理学视角进行的,信任可以通过个体的叙述来理解。在她的研究中没有涉及对智能手机的品牌信任。本文通过对某一特定品牌的案例研究,探讨了品牌信任对消费者购买意愿的影响。

Caudhuri and Holbrook (2001) brand trust model is based on the functional qualities. However, researchers also focus on the emotional aspect and functional aspect in a balanced way. It is from this perspective that trust is viewed as an outcome of emotional engagement and reliance. The functionality of the products and the personality of the consumers hence go hand in hand as decisive considerations. Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) suggest a two-dimension analysis of the brand trust. Similar to Caudhari and Holbrook (2001), their research also includes the emotional consideration of the consumer, namely their sensitiveness. The first dimension considered here is the technical dimension, which is the ability of a brand to keep its competitive edge in the technology field and the second dimension is the ability of the said brand to satisfy the expectations of consumers. The expectations created in the consumer mind are either from previous use experience, or from the market data such as from word of mouth messages and advertisements. For this dimension of expectations, Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) once again strike the balance between the quality and the emotional connections to the brand. Thus, trust has been conceptualized by many prior researchers but under different names. This research dissertation only focuses on the concept of trust in the context of internet shopping, or e-commerce, so as to narrow the research scope. In this dissertation, it will first briefly discuss several prior research studies dealing with the conceptualization of trust under the e-commerce context.
Lien et al., (2015) defines trust under the internet shopping context as a consumer’s willingness to rely on the seller and take action in circumstances where such action makes the consumer vulnerable to the seller. Various arguments demonstrate how satisfaction-induced trust over time has served as a predictor for the purchase intentions and behaviours of consumers towards the brand products (Erdem et al., 2006). In making a decision to purchase the product, the past experiences of using that product comes into play.

China’s smart phone market, as the fastest growing and largest one so far, is selected as the specific research area for the understanding the impact of the brand trust on the customers’ purchase intention in this paper.
This paper attempts to analyze how Chinese customers make their purchase decisions with reference to the value, quality, and the brand associated factors. Researchers have presented that brand experiences are indeed formed as a set of complex system (Caudhuri and Holbrook, 2001).

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