




Thailand has been witnessing the increased population of tourists of China since recent time. With almost 2 million outbound tourists as of the year 2012, the tourists of China have ended up becoming the biggest group of tourists who visit Thailand. It is a very common scene for spotting tourists of China in Thailand, especially after the movie “Lost in Thailand” was released in the year 2012. In the movie, several different cities of Thailand have been shot in the movie that include Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya, and Bangkok. Chiang Mai was a city that was not quite popular among tourists of China, and the city is being explored rapidly by tourists of China. these recent phenomena, both in choice of and number of destination, suggesting an interesting in the behaviour of Chinese tourists.

Several symbols and signs of China were placed and made in Chiang Mai for supporting the tourists of film. The University of Chiang Mai, one for the location of filming, also preparing the hotel and place for tourists of China tracking the trail related to this movie. In addition, Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok also became popular as this filming tourist also showed willingness in visiting these types of destinations. The film industry of China selects Thailand for being the location of filming for an entertainment of the audience. However, it can be successful in promoting Thailand, further creating a positive impact on the country indirectly. The stakeholders of tourism gain direct benefits from film based tourism. Tourism expert of China stated that almost 100,000 tourists of China came to Thailand and was successful in generating almost 800 million Yuan during the Chinese New Year for the year 2013. As this movie popularized, it affected a number of tourists of China travelling to Thailand in that period as it was successful in conveying stories, ideas and knowledge to the wider public. The movie can be seen as an important source consisting of key attributes like realism, and special effects for the creation of realistic audio, photos, and images, making movies relatable with facts, understanding, feeling and events better in comparison with other sources of media. In addition, there can be use of movie as a source of interaction among societies and as a tool for conveying the culture, values, beliefs, attitudes, traditions and language from one society to the other, at public level and at personal level. The industry of media has not been successful in producing general goods for consumer but producing an ideological message and cultural product for influencing the mind of people. Hence, it becomes extremely important to eliminate these problems and identify appropriate strategies and approaches for the attraction of Chinese tourists.