
本文是講對音樂的研究,他結合了12個音調的元素,創造了一個立面,這些動作是無調性和弦的進展。但在現實中,它卻完全遵循了自然音樂風格的所有規則。從這一點可以清楚地看出,萊頓能夠有效地利用十二音的發展,並且能夠遵循全音階音樂風格的強制性規則。由此,他能夠創作出有趣的音樂。本篇幫寫論文文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

He combines the elements of the twelve tones and creates a facade that these movements are atonal chord progressions. When in reality it adhered to all the rule of the diatonic style of music. From this it is clear that Leighton was able to effectively exploit the twelve tone progression and was able to follow the mandated rules of the diatonic style of music. From this he was able to create music that was interesting.
From the early literary composition to the relatively newer compositions there was an increase in the usage of the positive narrative elements that was visible in his themes. These positive elements in his composition do not reduce the strength or the purpose of the original renditions rather they serve to be retrospections of the early events of his life. There is a change in ideology that has been observed in the works by Leighton and this is essayed in the compositions rendered by the composer.
Leighton’s Five Studies Op.22 was originally composed in the year 1953. First performance was held in Wigmore Hall, London March 1957 by Eric Parkin. This work is a reminiscent of Chopin and Liszt’s studies. These studies had five virtuosic studies which essentially showcases the flamboyant character of the music. In the second study there was a light complicated rhythm. The tempo is relatively fast paced and can be seen elucidated in the particular in this particular contrasting utilization of the music. The usual Leighton style of signature of music was elucidated in this rendition and it has retained a strong melodic sense of music. This is usually how the compositions are construed by Leighton and the same has been expressed in this composition of music as well.
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