
本文是對像素藝術的分析,通過觀察Pom – Pom鏡子和閱讀相關的文獻,研究者了解到行為是一個人意識形態的真實體現。這面鏡子消除了人的外表,強調了人的行為和行為。這是通過觀察Pom Pom鏡像而獲得的一種見解。如上所述,這面抽象的人格化的鏡子也有助於對藝術形式的主觀解釋。正是由於這個因素,Pom Pom鏡像被認為是一種新的表達工具。它們使人能夠超越常規的表象。這使他們更詳細地透露這些感知的表象和表現。本篇幫寫論文文章由英國論文時Essay Times教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

From viewing this Pom Pom mirror and reading the literatures involved in the process makes the researcher understand that actions are true manifestation of a person’s ideologies. This mirror removes the façade of persons outside appearance and gives importance to the actions and their behaviour. This is an insight that has been gained from observing this Pom Pom Mirror. As stated above this mirror being abstractionism personified also aids in subjective interpretation of the art form. It is because of this factor this Pom Pom mirror is considered to be a new tool of expressions. They enable a person to look beyond regular representation. It makes them to divulge in more details regarding appearances and manifestation of these perceptions.
To summarize about Pom Pom mirror it is a new kind of visual medium that has minimalism embedded into it. It is an amalgamation of contemporary design and modern abstractionism concept. This has been effectively manifested into applied art medium. There is a new kind of reactivity that has been embedded in this concept. It has been found to revolutionize modern interpretation of pixel arts concept.
From analysis it has been observed that these pixel art have always been in existence. It has been observed in different cultures and has been manifested in different mediums historically. Initially it was implemented in video game designs in 1980s purely out of economic necessities. However there has been a resurgence of this art form in the modern era because of the artistic interest in pixel art design.. There was a resurgence of this pixel art in the 1980s owing to the development of video game technology. The video games of the 80s used this pixel art form because of its ease in representing isometric graphics easily. 8 Bit graphics were easily represented in this graphic format. Owing to this technology was used in video game technology. But arrival of perspective viewing had made this pixel art form to be replaced with new forms of representation.
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