21 3 月, 2019



目標2:第二個個人目標是瞭解基於差異的動態,以探索文化多樣性,並提出對文化多樣性的認識。各種因素都會影響跨文化性質的互動。另外,我相信歷史文化經驗的偏見可以幫助解釋現在的態度。例如,美國原住民和非洲裔美國人羣體,由於文化的主導地位,在歧視和對待不公平的自然方面經歷了不好的經歷(Ang et al ., 2015)。來自這種經歷的不信任可能會傳遞給其他幾代這樣的羣體,但在主流文化中,這些可能會被忽視(Christopher et al, 2014)。一個受壓迫的羣體可能會覺得他或她對主導文化缺乏信任,但主導文化的成員可能沒有意識到這一點。因此,我計劃與幾種文化進行互動,而這隻有通過對這些動態的認識才有可能。這個目標也將教會我將文化知識制度化。基於文化的知識需要融入個人學習文化意識的各個方面。因此,我需要以同樣的方式接受培訓,同時具備有效運用所學知識的能力。政策需要對文化的多樣性作出反應。基於材料的節目需要進一步反映所有文化的正面形象,只有這樣我纔有能力理解文化意識的重要性(Tomalin et al, 2013)。因此,首先我需要理解並承認基於差異的動力學。根據課程閱讀資料,也可以有不同的文化意識水平,反映了個人成長和感知文化差異的方式(Christopher et al, 2014)。通過本課程的閱讀材料,我將有可能通過文化差異這一目標來理解動態。例如,根據閱讀材料的這些水平,不能認爲我選擇的方法是正確的。在最初的階段,人們只知道他們做事的方式,他們認爲這是唯一的方式。這是一個忽視文化差異影響的階段。這將幫助我,因爲我不想忽視任何文化差異或他們的影響。我很想培養它。此外,當法官是不對的,這也在我的課程閱讀材料中給出了。這將進一步有助於我從事我的個人目標,以提高文化意識。


Goal 2: The second personal goal will be to understand the difference based dynamics in order to explore cultural diversity and bring forward awareness for it. Various factors can influence interactions of cross-cultural nature. Also, I believe that biasness because of cultural experience historically can help in explaining present attitude. Native Americans for example and the African-American population groups had to undergo bad experiences with regard to discrimination and treatment of unfair nature from cultural dominance (Ang et al, 2015). Mistrust that comes from such experiences might get passed over to other generations of such groups but within the dominant culture, these might be ignore (Christopher et al, 2014). A group which has been oppressed might feel that he or she is mistrusted towards the culture of dominance but dominant culture members might have unawareness of it. Therefore, it is my planning to interact with several cultures and this is possible only through awareness of these dynamics. This goal will also teach me to institutionalize cultural knowledge. Culture based knowledge needs integration into each facet of an individual trying to learn cultural awareness. Therefore, I need to be trained in the same way along with having the ability of effectively using gained knowledge. Policies need to respond to the diversity of culture. Material based programming further needs to reflect all cultures positive image and only then will I have the ability to understand the significance of cultural awareness (Tomalin et al, 2013). Therefore, firstly, I need to understand to acknowledge the difference based dynamics. According to the course readings, there can also be various cultural awareness levels which reflect over the way in which individuals grow and perceive the differences in culture (Christopher et al, 2014). Understanding dynamics through this goal of the cultural differences will be possible for me through the course readings. For example, these levels as per the readings entailed not to think that the way I have chosen is the correct way. At the initial level, people have awareness only the way in which they are doing things and they think that this is the only way. This is the stage when the influence of cultural differences is ignored. This will help me because I do not want to ignore any cultural differences or their influences. I rather want to foster it. Also, being a judge is not right and this has also been given in my course readings. It will further be helpful for me when engaging in my personal goals to enhance cultural awareness.

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