19 11 月, 2021



民族和种族不是简单的自然类别,而是在社会斗争中产生的话语,因此提供了解释和命名差异的语言(格罗尔曼,2017)。种族被捏造,以促进基于身体属性的他人,分配排斥和归属,特权和特权。被种族化的规范支持了与种族相关的错觉,即种族是一个稳定的客观类别(Lucas, 1998)。建立在社会等级基础上的种族至上的目标已经明显地被文化同质性所取代,并通过传统加以阐述,而结构上的不平等已经被种族否认所覆盖(Frances, 2004)。种族和民族是按照类似的逻辑运作的,但由于它们重叠,因此不可能将它们集中起来。

民族是指文化社会化,是作为文化的标志而运作的。新种族的出现发现了在全球力量和错位的民族国家和民族文化身份的对等性之后,回归到本地的现象(Britton, 2003)。白人在种族中是经验的和结构的,理想地被理解为支持和再现社会定位的意识形态,具有心理、文化、表演、制度、经济、政治、修辞和不同的维度(Lake, 1992)。这个命题是通过从属地位强加的,作为一种属性,白性是一种身份,它本身并不是统一的,而是将非白人排除在特权之外。与白人相关的排他性增强了价值,从而提升了白人至上的差异,将非白人置于种族征服的地位,并认为他们在社会上处于下等地位。

There has been an inadequacy in understanding class in the approach of the current class struggle. In reference to the European bourgeois, the middle class represented being moral and superior, however, class superiority in the biological perspective has been associated with the bourgeois dominance. In class, social Darwinism was applicable in the form of race thus establishing race and class cannot proceed without the analysis of the other. The recent invisibility of social class suggest differences being legitimated and institutionalised. The middle class by global capitalism has recreated the world in such an image that is elevated above scrutiny.

Ethnicity and race are not simple natural categories but generated discursively within social struggles hence providing language for explaining and naming differences (Grollman, 2017). Race has been fabricated to facilitate otherness based on bodily attributes, assign exclusion and belonging, privileges and enfranchisements. Norms that are racialized have propped up the illusion related to race as being an objective category that is stable (Lucas, 1998). The goal in regard to racial supremacy that is based on the social hierarchy has been notably replaced by the cultural homogeneity and elaborated through traditions while structural inequalities have been covered by racial denials (Frances, 2004). Race and ethnicity operate in accordance with similar logic but it is not possible to containerise them since they overlap.

Ethnicity refers to cultural socialisation and is operationalised as being a marker of culture. The emergence of new ethnicities has detected the return to the local in the wake of global forces and dislocating equivalence of nation states and national cultural identities (Britton, 2003). Whiteness is experiential and structural within race and ideally understood as being the ideology that supports and reproduces social positioning having psychological, cultural, performative, institutional, economic, political, rhetorical and different dimensions (Lake, 1992). The proposition is imposed via subordination and as a property, whiteness is an identity that is not unifying inherently but constituted by excluding those who are not white from privileges. The exclusivity associated with whiteness has enhanced value thus elevating the difference of white supremacy and relegating the non – white people to racial subjugation and considering them socially inferior.


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